Social Distance is a tv anthology series created by Hilary Weisman Graham and Jenji Kohan. The series has 8 episodes and was entirely thought, written and executed during the 2020 total lockdown. It was released on 15th October 2020. The series shows how people reacted, managed and coped with the Covid-19 pandemic, especially how technology kept us connected with our family and friends.
This is an anthology series. Each of the 8 episodes is a different story that unravels through video calls. Each episode tells the fictional story of the many who experienced the tragedies of the Covid-19 pandemic. first-hand. In the end, it is a series about what really matters: love, care, relationships, family and friendship.
Brian Jordan Alvarez as Marco
Asante Blackk as Corey
Becky Ann Baker as Carolyn Currier
Mike Colter as Ike
Kylie Liya Page as Mia Huang
Danielle Brooks as Imani
Ali Ahn as Anne-Marie
Marsha Stephanie Blake as Marion
Oscar Nuñez as Miguel Villareal
David Iacono as Jake Miller
Social Distance was produced by Ashley Glazier for Tilted Productions and Wordless Pictures.
You Can Watch the Tv series Social Distance only on Netflix.
We all know that the Covid-19 pandemic caused a period of extremely hard times for all of humanity worldwide. So empathising and relating to the characters of this series is easy enough. It hits close to home!
Yes, this show was entirely shot remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic.
No, it is not a Documentary. It was shot in real-time, and the artists performed as characters facing the COVID-19 pandemic and other issues like the Black Lives Matter Movement.