Diane Keaton is an American actress that almost everyone knows about because she has played many fantastic roles.

If you want to stream her films on Netflix USA for your next movie night here are the top movies on Netflix starring Diane Keaton.

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Netflix released movies starring Diane Keaton

Here goes our list of favorite Keaton movies on Netflix USA:

1. The Godfather Part I, II, and III

The Godfather does not need an introduction because it changed the landscape of American cinema. In this series starring Keaton as Kay Adams, she was the long-time love of Michael Corleone and finally became his second wife.

2. Annie Hall (1977)

Annie Hall is loosely based on the romance that happened in real-life between Diane Keaton and Woody Allen.

The movie is about Annie Hall, an aspiring nightclub singer, and a struggling writer, Alvy. One day, Hall and Alvy meet, and they hit it off and finally fall in love with one another.

3. Manhattan (1979)

Diane Keaton plays Mary Wilkie in Manhattan alongside Meryl Streep and Woody Allen. The movie is a ‘love letter’ by Allen to New York City.

4. 5 Flights Up (2014)

5 Flights Up is a drama and comedy where Diane Keaton stars as Ruth alongside Morgan Freeman, who is her husband. Both of them spend one of the most hectic weekends thinking about the sale of their apartment. They have shared this apartment for more than forty years as a married couple.

5. Poms (2019)

Among all the new movies on Netflix, Poms is certainly one to add to your personal list.

Keaton plays the role of Martha. With cast members Rhea Perlman, Celia Weston, Alisha Boe, and Charlie Tahan, this comedy is about a group of women who form a cheerleading squad in their retirement community.

Bear in mind that all these movies are not available in all regions. That is why be sure to check what Diane Keaton movies on Netflix you have in your country.

Green Eggs and Ham (TV series)

This is an unusual one of Netflix’s content TV series, starring Diane Keaton, among others.

The animated series follows two polar opposites, Guy and Sam, as they journey on a road trip to save an endangered animal from a zoo.

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Summing Up

Pick your favourite D. Keaton films from the latest Netflix releases, register and enjoy them on your next movie night.

Now you also know how to save on your Netflix subscription as well. Sign up to Together Price and save up to 75% today.

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