Gaia TV is sharable among 2 users. Pay only

£2,83 per month


SHARE Gaia TV USING Together price

Together Price is the platform that allows you to share the cost of digital multi-account subscriptions in a simple and secure way.

Share your Gaia TV subscription in just 3 steps:

Register and click on “Become Admin” if you have already purchased a monthly Gaia TV subscription and want to make available the accounts you do not use
Create a Gaia TV sharing group by indicating the number of people whom you want to share with. You can share a maximum of 2 slots
Once the group is completed, each participant will send you his payment to use your subscription. You will receive a maximum of £6 if you share 2 slots

Follow these simple 3 steps to join a Gaia TV group

Click on “Become a Joiner” and in the search bar type Gaia TV
Once you’ve found the group, submit a request to join
Pay £4.24 to get one month of Gaia TV. You have 25 days to request a refund.

Curious about Gaia TV? Read further to find out more about what Gaia is, how much it costs, and how you can save on your subscription with Together Price!

What is Gaia TV?

Gaia TV, or simply Gaia, is an alternative media and video streaming service and online community that is based in America.

It was first launched in Colorado in 1988 under the name ‘Gaiam’ – a mashing together of the deity ‘Gaia’ and the words ‘I am’ – but changed its name to ‘Gaia’ in 2016.

Gaia TV is targeted at conscious consumers and has a large library of videos and articles on yoga, psychedelics, and other fringe sciences.

In fact, Gaia has the largest library of online conscious-expanding videos out there! It has over 8000 films, shows, shorts, documentaries, and classes that you just won’t find anywhere else. With Gaia, you can empower yourself with a greater understanding and awareness of the world around you!

How Much Does Gaia TV Cost?

So, how much does Gaia TV cost? Well, its cost depends on what subscription plan you choose. Gaia TV currently has three options available to choose from. They are:

Monthly – £8.99 per month. This option comes with a 7-day free trial and unlimited access to over 8000 films, shows, documentaries, shorts, and classes. It’s compatible with almost any device and can be cancelled at any time.

Annual – £75 per year. This option comes with all the same benefits as the Monthly plan but at a much lower price. You get 12 months for the price of 9!

Events + – £229 per year. This option also comes with all the same benefits as the Monthly plan but without the free trial. Instead, it comes with the added ability to live-stream all GaiaSphere events, chat with other Gaia subscribers during these events, participate in question-and-answer sessions with guest speakers, and access a full library of past events. Pretty awesome, right!

How Can You Subscribe to Gaia TV?

You can subscribe to Gaia TV by going to their website at and following these steps:

1. Find and select the ‘See Plans’ option.

2. Choose your plan – Monthly, Annual, or Events +.

3. Create your Gaia account by entering your name and email and creating a secure password.

4. Enter your payment details.

5. Confirm your subscription and start streaming!

How Can You Save on Gaia TV?

You can save on Gaia TV with its multiple profiles feature! This feature lets you add two extra accounts to your subscription so that you can share the subscription cost with your family and friends.

Each profile will still be completely personalised to the person using it – by creating their own playlists, setting their own preferences, and receiving their own recommendations. The only catch is that both other profile users need to use the account owner’s login details to access their own profiles.

But how do you share your subscription cost with two other people? With Together Price!

How Can You Share Gaia TV on Together Price?

Together Price is an innovative platform for sharing digital services that lets you share the cost of your multi-account subscription in a legitimate, safe, and secure way.

With Together Price, Gaia’s Monthly plan would only cost you £2.99 a month instead of £8.99 a month by sharing the cost with two other people. Multiply this cost by 12 months, and you will notice how much you could save on Together Price!

Together Price gives you many benefits and advantages in one simple solution:

1. a trusted network based on high levels of control and reliability that can measure the credibility of every user;

2. a Tpassword system for the safety and security of your credentials and access to shared services;

3. a digital Wallet to keep all your payments under control;

4. a dedicated chat line where you can communicate with other users.

With Together Price, you share and save, and all the hassles are left to us!

Whether you become an Admin or a Joiner on Together Price, you will be able to enjoy the best digital sharing services.

Sharing has never been better with Together Price!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Get a Gaia TV Free Trial?

Yes, you can! Gaia offers a free 7-day trial for new users of both its Monthly and Annual subscription plans. Simply go to their website at and click the ‘Try Free for 7 Days’ option.

How Do I Add a Profile to My Gaia TV Account?

You can add a profile to your Gaia account by going to the login screen and choosing the ‘Who’s Watching?’ option. From there, you can simply click on ‘Add Profile’ to add a profile to your account.

How Do I Remove a Profile from My Gaia TV Account?

You can add a profile to your Gaia account by going to their website at and following these steps:

  1. Log in to the primary account.
  2. Click on your profile and choose the ‘Manage Profiles’ option.
  3. Find the profile you want to remove and click the ‘Remove’ option.
  4. Click ‘Delete Profile’ to confirm, and the profile will be deleted.

Just remember – once you have deleted a profile, you won’t be able to add the email address associated with that profile back again!