Together Price
Together Price
TV Streaming

Cancel Disney Plus Account

November 01, 2023
4 min
Cancel Disney Plus Account

Have you decided that you need to cut down on your monthly costs. Maybe you have “cancel your Disney Plus account” written on your to do list but you’ve been putting it off.

Well it is very easy to cancel your Disney Plus subscription directly, just follow these simple instructions. But if you are not yet ready to part ways with such an epic streaming platform then why not start saving money by using Together Price.

Together Price takes all the hassle out of sharing your Disney Plus account - especially because sharing within your household can be tricky - so you can save money without having to lift a finger.

Sign up for Together Price and save up to 75% on your Disney Plus subscription.

How to cancel your subscription to Disney Plus?

Here's how to complete cancellation process.

Need to cut down on monthly costs?

Well, cancelling your Disney subscription is easy to do. When you cancel your Disney Plus subscription the account will expire at the end of the current billing cycle.

If you regret cancelling Disney Plus and miss easy access to Disney movies then no worries, you can easily re subscribe and pick a new subscription plan!

Cancel Disney Plus in a browser

To cancel your Disney subscription on a web browser just head to the Disney website on your favourite internet browser:

  1. Log in to your Disney account;

  2. Select your profile icon in the top right and click account in the drop-down menu;

  3. Select your subscription and then select cancel subscription;

  4. Give the reason you chose to cancel;

  5. Confirm the cancelling process by clicking continue to cancel.

Cancel Disney Plus on your iPhone

Cancel Disney+ from any of your devices.

To cancel your subscription on your iPhone use the iPhone settings app:

  1. Open the Settings app;

  2. Tap your name at the top and sign in to your apple ID;

  3. Select subscriptions;

  4. Select Disney+;

  5. Tap cancel subscription and confirm that you are canceling your Disney.

Cancel subscription in the Google Play store on an Android phone

Cancel Disney+ on your Android phone by using the Google play store:

  1. Open the Google Play store;

  2. Tap your profile picture and click payments and subscriptions;

  3. Tap subscriptions;

  4. Tap Disney+;

  5. Tap cancel subscription and follow the on-screen instructions to complete cancellation;

  6. You are no longer subscribed to Disney+.

Can you cancel Disney Plus at any point?

A Disney Plus membership can be cancelled at any time, just as your can choose to subscribe again at any point. There is no cancellation fee when you cancel Disney Plus.

How much does Disney Plus cost?

Disney+ plans and prices

As of 1st November 2023, Disney+ has changed its plans and increased its prices:

  • Disney+ Standard with ads costs £4.99 a month. It allows Full HD viewing and you can stream on 2 devices at the same time. Unfortunately though, you cannot download on any device.

  • Disney+ Standard with no ads costs £7.99 a month or £79.90 per year and lets you download content to watch offline. You can watch simultaneous streams on 2 different devices in Full HD.

  • Disney+ Premium costs £10.99 a month or £109.90 a year. It has Dolby Atmos audio, Ultra HD 4K viewing, and 4 simultaneous streams on different devices.

How to save money on a Disney Plus subscription

If you need to cancel Disney Plus to save money then why not try and save money whilst staying subscribed to Disney Plus instead? You could do this by sharing a Disney Plus subscription with members of your household.

As you can stream simultaneously on four screens, that means you can share one Disney Plus account between four users. This way you save money and pay only a quarter of the original price of a Disney Plus subscription. What’s not to love?

Well sometimes account sharing is a hassle, and last time your members just kind of stopped paying. But fear not! Together Price has you covered.

Together Price takes all the hassle out of sharing a subscription so that you can make great savings with minimal effort!

What is Together Price?

Get your Disney+ account on Together Price and save 75%!

Together Price is a free platform that helps connect users looking to share their subscription accounts. Together Price is fully legal, safe and secure.

To ensure that you truly feel safe using Together Price we offer a fully SSL-secure certified environment.

Plus, a Tpassword system to keep your log-in details secure and Stripe Payment with strong anti-fraud systems.

We also have a reliability rating system based on the user’s past behaviour and a direct chat between members of the sharing group.

How does Together Price work?

Together Price is easy to use just open the website on your computer, create a free account using your name and address and start searching for the subscription you want to save on.

As an Admin

Become an Admin

As an Admin, you invite others to join your subscription. To do this, create a sharing group with all the relevant information and wait for people to request to join.

Once you’ve accepted their request Together Price will arrange the payment so you can sit back and wait for the money to roll in!

As a Joiner

Become a Joiner

As a Joiner, you join someone else’s group subscription. To do this simply search through the sharing groups until you find one you fancy and request to join it. If you are accepted you will be asked to add your billing details so that Together Price can process the payment for you whilst you sit back and watch Disney Plus.

What is Disney Plus?

If you cancel Disney+, do it for the right reasons!

Disney Plus is the streaming service created by Disney. A Disney Plus subscription lets you access around 500 films, 15,000 TV episodes, and 80 originals from channels such as Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, National Geographic and Star.

On Disney Plus, you can watch your childhood favourites and movies just out now.

You can simultaneously stream on up to four screens. All of this is available with Dolby Atmos and 4K HD!

Throw a watch party and stream the same content at the same time in different geographical locations.

Summing Up

Feel like you need to cancel Disney Plus to save money but don’t really want to? Well, then why not sign up to Together Price and pay only a quarter of the price for the same service?

With Together Price you only pay £2.74 per month on your Disney Plus subscription.

What are you waiting for?

Save up to 80% on your favourite subscriptions!